Easter 2019

Easter 2019

Easter, also known as Pascha is a Christian Festival that is celebrated on the first Sunday after the first Full Moon occurring on or after the equinox. Its purpose is to commemorate the resurrection of Jesus from the dead after he was crucified by the Romans at Calvary and it meant to symbolise new life and new beginnings. In the 19th century, the story of the Easter Bunny became popular and is now recognised as the symbol for Easter as rabbits will usually give birth to a big litter of bunnies and are therefore a symbol of new life and new beginnings. Legend has it that the Easter Bunny lays, decorates and hides eggs as they are also a symbol of new life.

How will you be celebrating this Easter Weekend? Why not use our 30% off discount code ‘NAMEASTAREASTER’ after your friends and family? The offer is valid from now until MIDNIGHT on the 19th of April 2019, but that’s not all we have to offer…

We also have an eggsellent Easter Competition now live on our Facebook page, giving 3 lucky people a chance to win a VIVID Gift Set! Click here to enter now!

This Good Friday, the 19th of April 2019, we will be treated to a Full Pink Moon thanks to full illumination by the sun! The moon is set to turn pink at around 12:12am BST when the moon is located on the opposite side of the earth as the sun, making its face fully illuminated! In ancient times, to track time it was common to use the sun and the moon, which is what the modern 12 month calendar is based upon. According to old wives tales, the Pink Full Moon can influence labour, which is getting some excited for the arrival of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex's baby! Will you be waiting to see the pink full moon in all it's pink blossom glory?
There will also be huge asteroid as big as the rock of Gibraltar passing the earth at a safe but uncomfortably close distance according to astronomers this Friday too! What a day for space news!

We recently collaborated with Tiffany Janes on Instagram, and we love her post! Click here to see that she named a star ‘Tiffany Jane’! Sometimes, there’s no need to wait for someone to do something for you, you just have to do it for yourself! We love this idea! Would you name a star after yourself? Let us know on Instagram!